Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Hello Everyone!

I have recently decided that I desperately need a hobby. The main problem is: I have no interests! Therefore, I am embarking on an incredible journey, a journey to find my one, unique, pleasurable past time. Now, I need your help. Give me ideas! We'll choose one of your ideas each month :)

Now, there are of course, rules for this game:

1. In order to give everyone a chance to have their idea chosen, (almost) all ideas will be thrown into a pile and be drawn at random. I'll draw 5 and you guys can vote on which one I do that month. The others will be put back into the drawing pile for next month.

2. I HAVE to spend at least 90 minutes a week, for 4 weeks, participating actively in my hobby.

3. I'll always update you on the best and worst parts of every time i try my activity.

4. At the end of each activity, I'll rate it on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the BEST EVER! and 10 being the....WORST EVER!!

If there are any questions, always ask! I won't garuantee an answer, but "the stupidest question that exists, in an un-asked question."

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